Thursday, July 21, 2011

Modern Oldies

Some people tell me to "lay off" the oldies, to quit digging through my parents dusty records and plug in to what's trending now...and some of the time I do. I may download indie music, go to raves and jam at big outdoor festivals but one thing's for certain, I will never turn my back on my first true love. Oldies.

I don't intentionally neglect the current music scene. It just seems that every time I drift to far from oldies, the ghost of music's past hunts me down and drags me back. I can't help it if I feel more connected to Elvis and The Beach Boys than I do to Ke$ha and Lady Gaga. Just because I'm a "Gen Y'er" doesn't mean that I should have to forgo my personal taste to fit in with the rest of them. Why do they need me anyway? Don't these modern acts have enough followers on Myspace and Twitter already?

Although most of my favorite music is actually 40-50 years old, every now and then a modern track comes along that sounds too much like it could have been a hit in 60s for me to ignore. Two of these "modern oldies" are posted here for listening pleasure. 


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